San Diego Employment Law Attorney

Are you afraid to go into work for fear of harassment? Are you concerned about the hostile treatment you have received at the hands of a co-worker? Have you suffered from workplace discrimination or retaliation after requesting to have regular lunch breaks and rest periods?

Federal and state laws are in place to hold employers accountable for violating employees’ rights. An attorney can often achieve what a worker cannot: protection against harassment or compensation for violation of workplace laws.

At The Law Office of Frank S. Clowney III I have represented clients in employment rights cases in San Diego for more than 40 years. In your free initial consultation, I will review your workplace situation and explain your legal options. By the end of the meeting, you will have my honest opinion on whether I believe you have a valid claim.

Call The Law Office of Frank S. Clowney III at 619-618-2419 to contact a San Diego employment law attorney.

Handling A Broad Spectrum Of Employment Law Issues

I have worked with clients who have suffered discrimination at the hands of their employers. I am proud to do something about it − for them and for those who go after them. My firm has represented clients who have been discriminated based on:

I have also advised and represented clients dealing with a broad spectrum of employee rights issues, including:

I seek to solve your legal problem so you can move forward with your life. You may be assured I will fight vigorously, tenaciously and knowledgeably to seek a fair settlement from your employer.

Labor laws are designed to protect you. Call The Law Office of Frank S. Clowney III at 619-618-2419 to arrange for a free initial consultation.