San Diego Employee Discrimination Lawyer

Retaliation is not only unpleasant; it is illegal. Under federal and California law, the California Labor Code and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), it is illegal for an employer to treat an employee unfairly because that employee has filed a complaint or testified against their employer.

Were you fired and believe it was because you expressed a concern about a workplace issue? Have you experienced subtle retaliation after bringing forward a harassment claim? Were you suddenly laid off after asking about unpaid overtime?

Get Protection Today

I have helped clients successfully resolve employee rights cases in which my client has experienced retaliation due to:

Call For A Free Initial Consultation: 619-618-2419

If you believe you have been retaliated against but wonder what your next step should be, call my office. As a lawyer, I can help you decide how to proceed. After listening to you tell the story of what happened at your workplace and asking some specific questions, I can generally tell you whether or not I believe that exploring a legal action is the next step.

Sometimes retaliation is direct; sometimes it can be inferred (implied). An attorney can help you understand what the difference is and sift through the facts of your case. Call my San Diego law office today at 619-618-2419.