I Will Support You Throughout A Premises Liability Case

Sometimes, it’s easy to see that a property owner’s decisions directly resulted in a serious injury. In other cases, it might not be obvious that a property owner is responsible for an accident. Regardless of whether you were injured on someone’s residential or commercial property, it is important to understand your rights.

I am Frank S. Clowney III, and I have practiced law in California for more than 40 years. You can turn to me to learn what you can do after a serious injury. My goal is to help you move forward with the compensation you deserve.

Common Types Of Premises Liability Accidents

I frequently help clients pursue personal injury claims for accidents on someone else’s property, such as:

  • Negligent security cases, in which the property owner failed to provide competent security guards, provide adequate lighting or take other protective measures
  • Slip-and-fall accidents, which happen when a property owner fails to remove ice, place wet floor signs, add railings to stairs and take other reasonable precautions
  • Animal bites and dog attacks, which often occur at the pet owner’s home or a park

There are many types of premises liability accidents, and they can happen almost anywhere. Construction zones, apartments, hotels, swimming pools, malls, restaurants and even a neighbor’s house could contain major hazards.

For a successful personal injury claim, you and your lawyer must prove negligence. At The Law Office of Frank S. Clowney III, I can help you build a strong argument that the property owner had a duty to keep you reasonably safe and that they failed to do so.

Let Me Help You Explore Your Options

Based in San Diego, my law firm is committed to solving your legal problems strategically and compassionately. If you were injured while on someone else’s property, call me at 619-618-2419.